Our fix and flip loans can range from 9 months to 18 months.
The fix and flip loan is very popular right now. The fix and flip loan can be for residential or commercial properties with loan to value of almost 100% LTV of the purchase price.
Are you a real estate investor looking to “fix and flip” a home? Whether you already have the property or need assistance in acquiring, rehabbing, and selling a home quickly for the best profit, Redmond Funding Group is here to help.
Our fix and flip loans are unique. We not only finance the acquisition of the home, we often finance the cost of rehabbing the home.
We provide straightforward access to your construction budget funds as work is completed because we know that cash flow is critical during the construction phase of your project. Our customers have told us that construction cash flow is an area where we truly out shine the competition; they appreciate our responsiveness and common sense approach to administering your rehab loan.
It is not very difficult financing for long-term rental properties, unless you have more than four mortgages. Banks like to finance properties that will be held for the long-term. Banks do not like short-term loans, because they make money on the interest paid on loans and stop making money as soon as a loan is paid off.
Most fix and flips are sold less than a year after they are bought.
This is a very short loan term for banks and they do not like having long-term loans paid off in less than a year. In order to finance fix and flips you have to find short-term financing, which is usually much more expensive and harder to find.
To find out more see our “Hot Loan Products” for rates and guidelines.