Applying for a Commercial Easy Doc loan is easy and painless. We can make the commercial easy document loans with the use of bank statements or no bank statements and no tax returns. We let the borrower choose which fit them best. The commercial easy doc loan is a much easier loan process compared to what banks ask for.
Low doc loans in general are for people who are self employed or in business for themselves with either an active ABN or active company. These are people who can’t verify their income or produce their financial statements.
Other reasons where one will seek a commercial low doc loan is where a borrower’s financial statements are too complex to verify income streams, too many paper write off expenses like depreciation, and large amounts of cash income for the business not necessarily reflective in a borrower’s financials. There are a few lenders who do commercial low doc loans, and their requirements differ from one to another. Most well known commercial Easy doc loan lenders will generally charge an establishment fee to set up a commercial loan. However, there are some aggressive lenders who will waive establishment fees, or application fees and other costs for good quality commercial loan borrowers. Some lenders will even rebate the cost of valuation fees after settlement in some circumstances
To find out more see our “Hot Loan Products” for rates and guidelines.